The Weather Up Here

Different views on an ordinary life.

Action Figure

So on my recent excellent vacation I had a bit of a social gaffe, and by “bit” and “social gaffe” I mean glad I’ll never see those people again.

We were in the only water sport shop on the island, Black Beard’s. We were restocking our sunscreen supply and also getting a water tight container for snorkeling so we wouldn’t lose our phones and keys and stuff like that. Bill was taking a while to decide on gear because he’s an outdoor gear nerd so I was just wandering the store on my own. They had a cool display on the other end of the counter with carved granite sea animals, like turtles and rays and stuff. Of course I spotted the manatee and I picked it up, kind of doing an up-down-up-down swimming motion with it. You know, like when you’re five and you have swimmy toys. About mid-swim-motion I accessed the grown up social contract part of my brain and froze, looking up to find two sales people looking at me from right behind the counter. The guy was all, haha, you just swam the manatee. The lady looked indulgent and amused, but possibly also perplexed. I figured there was nothing for it but to own the manatee motions, so I was all, well, manatee, I had to swim it. Let’s agree not to talk about this. The guy was all, hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa.

I walked over to Bill and put the manatee in the pile of things to buy. I confessed that I had been caught swimming the manatee in the air. I’m not sure that he totally believed the truth of the situation until the counter guy was all, should I wrap this or do you want to play with it? Hahahahaha.

Action figure moves

With the manatee carving

Should have been alone

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