The Weather Up Here

Different views on an ordinary life.


Well, then. It appears that I just finished my last class of graduate school. Wait, don’t get excited. I mean my last actual class, like in a classroom class that’s not practicum or clinicals or capstone project stuff. Technically next semester I have a class that exists in conjunction with clinicals; it’s the theory/skills/pig feet branch of nurse practitioner studenting. So I guess maybe saying I don’t have anymore classes is not exactly accurate but still I swear it’s a milestone. Dammit now I’m less jubilant. I was kind of jubilant. Because honestly I’ve been in school for 7 years now and it’s getting a little old, and also the last milestone I got to have was BSN which admittedly was a big deal and probably should have lasted longer as a source of milestoning.

So as usual this semester was a small, cool corner of hell in which I occasionally burned a hand, foot, or eyebrow. Overall it was survivable but after the summer, which was consumed with a class that contributes significantly to the warmer parts of hell, it was a bit of a drag. Good classes, though–pharmacology, clinical lab skillz, health assessment (exams/diagnostics/differentials).

With the upcoming month off, I expect I’ll blog a bit on topics that have presented themselves over the last while, but for now I’m off to a sporting event. Because that’s how we roll over here. Ball is life.


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