The Weather Up Here

Different views on an ordinary life.

The Fungus Among Us

I’m so over this tuberculosis/lung aneurysm. Yet it persists. I actually found myself jealous of my patients today, primarily the ones receiving breathing treatments. That’s usually a cue to maybe go treat yourself. I’m on it, don’t worry. Got some Reiki going AS WE SPEAK. Well, as I write. Whatever. <——-So not how I feel. I never feel “whatever” about accuracy. I feel strongly about it, at all times. I always felt that Lois Lowry was onto something with precision of language. I mean, I’m not interested in a big pile of dystopia but I do think more attention could be paid to word selection. There are just so many words. I find great joy in subtlety and nuance, language wise. Not human wise, that shit is complicated. I have digressed so hard in this post that I’ve lost my way completely. Some haiku, then to find solid ground.


Cough hack wheeze cough hack

Lungs why do you hurt me so

Coughed on patient’s pills



I do not fall down

Proprioceptive ninja

But chair fell over <———What happened here, and it is of note especially if you know me because I never trip or fall or bump into things or break things because I’m like a 3-dimensional awareness master, is that I was sitting outside in a deck chair and it tipped backwards with me in it. Because it is of unstable design, not because I am unable to remain upright. I found that physics is real and unavoidable and accepted that for a moment. Now I’m back to being both a wave and a particle so it’s all good. Bruise on my leg, though.

(That second-to-last sentence had so many layers. It was awesome. A bit of a reflection on the duality paradox combined with the traits of the Gemini, tied together with a little Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. I’m deep as hell.)

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